SKU: B0844ZDFNH Category:

Sparnod Fitness STH-1200 3 HP Peak Automatic Treadmill (Free Installation Assistance) – Foldable Motorized Treadmill for Home Use

(10 customer reviews)

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    ‎30 Kilograms


    ‎Sparnod Fitness

    10 reviews for Sparnod Fitness STH-1200 3 HP Peak Automatic Treadmill (Free Installation Assistance) – Foldable Motorized Treadmill for Home Use

    1. Nallaiah
      5 out of 5


      I have been using this product for almost 2months.I run daily twice for 20minutes and this treadmill is so far good.The length of the belt is quite enough and you can Walk and Jog conveniently.

    2. Amazon Customer
      4 out of 5


      Good one for my health and fitness

    3. PRAVIN
      4 out of 5


      Width of threadmil belt is not exactly as shown in product images.
      Otherwise installation guide is pretty simple and so for since last 1 month, running smoothly as expected.

    4. Moupiya Banerjee
      5 out of 5


      The product got delivered right on time & was handled very well by the delivery executives.

      Initially, was a bit skeptical regarding the installation but it was super easy. The used manual gives a very guided information. Also, they have their YouTube videos as well..

      Quality of the product is amazing! Very sturdy.

      Doesn’t use unnecessary space.

      The wheels make it easier to move if needed.

      The look is sleek!

      The display gives you great details – distance, time, speed, etc.

      There’s also a pulse meter though not very accurate but that is totally negligible.

      Very happy with the product. A perfect addition to the home!

    5. Goku
      4 out of 5


      Till I’ve used it works fine for me.. Gift ur close relatives a healthy gift.. Having good performance. Service is good.
      I daily workout and works fine for me

    6. Sunilsathiyan
      4 out of 5


      Good service

    7. Tanisha Ferdous
      5 out of 5


      Atfirst i would like to say the structure it’s really cool, in the screen u can see the speed u r walking or running,the calories u burned ,heart rate how much distance u convered and time .My dad has been working out here alot and he is pretty fine .If u consistently do the work out with this and maintain a diet u will see great results.Overall the product is too good for my liking .You can go for it!!

    8. Vivek
      5 out of 5


      It is good for a walking..the main thing I liked is i can fold it after use ..the other thing is I can move it wherever I want..less weight and wheel is there to move

    9. Vinay 8618131435
      5 out of 5


      The media could not be loaded.

    10. gokulam
      4 out of 5



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