TE-800 Multifunctional Loupe Type Workbench Magnifying Magnifier with 5X-8X Lens for Precision Work 

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TE-800 Multifunctional Loupe Type Workbench Magnifying Magnifier with 5X-8X Lens for Precision Work

  • TE-800 Multifunctional Loupe Type Workbench designed for precision work
  • Features a magnifying magnifier with 5X-8X lenses for enhanced visibility
  • Equipped with LED lights to illuminate the work area for detailed tasks
  • Serving as a Helping Hand Soldering Stand, it provides stability during repairs
  • Battery-operated tool (battery not included) for flexibility in usage
  • Ideal for intricate tasks, such as soldering and repair work, requiring precision and clarity.

The TE-800 Multifunctional Loupe Type Workbench is a versatile tool designed for precision work, equipped with features to enhance your working experience:

  • Magnifying Magnifier: Comes with 5X-8X lenses to provide detailed visibility for intricate tasks.
  • LED Lights: Integrated LED lights illuminate the work area, ensuring clarity during precision work.
  • Helping Hand Soldering Stand: Functions as a stable stand to assist with soldering and repairs, offering hands-free operation.
  • Battery Operation: Powered by batteries (not included), providing flexibility in usage without the need for a constant power source.

Ideal for a range of tasks requiring precision and clarity, the TE-800 is a reliable and convenient tool for various applications, from soldering to detailed repair work.

5 reviews for TE-800 Multifunctional Loupe Type Workbench Magnifying Magnifier with 5X-8X Lens for Precision Work 

  1. Customer
    5 out of 5


    same as shown…. highly appreciated

  2. Customer
    5 out of 5


    Magnifying glass is good helpful for me

  3. Customer
    5 out of 5


    The Quality of product is very Good 👍

  4. Customer
    5 out of 5


    I really recommend this product

  5. Customer
    5 out of 5


    good packing🧳and good quality💯

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